Please consult individual event Web Sites for updates on schedules.
Arizona Renaissance Festival
International Sportsmen’s Exposition
Arizona Game & Fish Department Exposition
Lake Havasu Boat Show
Lanterns On The Lake
Bass Junkyz – Roosevelt Lake
San Diego Day At The Docks 
FUR AND FEATHER ANIMAL ASSISTANCE, INC.: Ongoing — A permanent residential facility for dogs and cats designed for comfort, well being, and CARE for LIFE. Where Every “One” Deserves a Chance, PO Box 555 Pie Town, NM 87827, e-mail to furandfeatheranimalassistance@gmail.com .
21 CAMP VERDE: 8th Annual Verde River Runoff – White Bridge and ends at Beasley Flat. A 5& 10 mile kayak, canoe and stand-up boarder race down the Verde River. The 10-mile race is a competitive event with the addition of a 5-mile fun float, this family friendly celebration of nature and boating provides a great river experience during prime season for river running in the Verde Valley.
LEARN TO SAIL: Current — If you know someone who would like to learn to sail, turn them on to the Arizona Sailing Foundation’s Adult Beginning Sailing class.
AZ YACHT CLUB MEETINGS: Second Tuesday of every month 7 p.m. — in the Caddy Shack at Rolling Hills Golf Course, 1415 N. Mill Ave., Tempe.
US SAILING/ RED CROSS ONLINE TRAINING: Ongoing — To make it easier for prospective US SAILING-certified instructors to fulfill course requirements for CPR and First Aid certification, US SAILING teams up with the American Red Cross to provide an online training program.
CALENDAR OF OUTDOOR EVENTS: Ongoing — www.azgfd.gov/OutdoorSkills Google calendar.
21 ROOSEVELT: Park After Dark: Meteorites in Ancient Cultures – Tonto National Monument. Night sky events include star gazing, astronomy programs, telescope viewing with astronomers from the Phoenix Astronomical Society and Junior Ranger Night Explorer activities for kids. Free. 7-9 pm. 928-467-2241.
4/4 LAKE PLEASANT: Lanterns at the Lake; family and friends gather to share personal thoughts, wishes, and goals as they set free lanterns on the shores of Lake Pleasant; for more information, please visit www.pleasantharbor.com or call the Pleasant Harbor events line at 623-203-5173.
7 PHOENIX: 18th Annual Melrose on 7th Avenue Street Fair and Chester’s Classic Car Show – Features more than 200 local and independent artisans, a Kid’s Zone, food from local food trucks, live music and a local craft beer garden. Phoenix Metropolitan Men’s Chorus opens the show and additional entertainers through the day. Chester’s Classic Car Show promises more than 200 vintage automobiles. Free. 11 am – 5 pm.
7-8 PHOENIX: Heard Museum Guild 62nd Annual Indian Fair & Market – Features more than 600 of the nation’s top Native American artists, lively music and dance performances & a variety of Native foods including posole, Hopi piki bread and fry bread. $10-20, Sat 9:30 am – 5 pm, Sun 9:30 am – 4 pm. 602-252-8840.
7-8 PHOENIX: 56th Annual Phoenix Scottish Games – Steele Indian School Park. Featuring full highland pageantry with pipes & drums, highland dancers, athletics, Celtic bands, gathering of the clans, a variety of live entertainment, interactive displays and athletic events. $17-20. Sat 9 am – 7 pm, Sun 9 am – 4 pm. 602-431-0095.
14 PHOENIX: 37th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Irish Family Faire – Parade on 3rd Street at 10 am with pipe bands, marching bands, floats, Irish step dancers. Faire follows parade at Margaret T. Hance Park until 6 pm. 3 stages of Irish music and dancers, crafts, genealogy, Irish clubs, kids area. $12. 602-280-9221.
14-15 TOMBSTONE: 11th Annual Tombstone Wild West Days – Allen Street. A salute to the men and women of the Armed Forces sponsored by the Wild West Detachment Marine Corps League of Tombstone and Tombstone merchants. Be proud to be an American and meet them on the streets of Tombstone and say thank you for protecting our freedom! 520-457-3511.
27-29 TEMPE: 43rd Annual Tempe Spring Festival of the Arts – Downtown Tempe. Among the top 20 art festivals in the nation, 350 national artists & craftspeople, traditional & ethnic foods, continuous entertainment on multiple stages, street fair atmosphere with street performers, hands-on activities for children. Free. 10 am – 5:30 pm. 480-921-2300.
Through 3/29 GOLD CANYON: 32nd Annual Arizona Renaissance Festival – A medieval amusement park, a 13-stage theater, a 30-acre circus, an arts & crafts fair, a jousting tournament and a feast- all rolled into one non-stop, day-long family adventure. $18-28, Sat-Sun & President’s Day. 10 am – 6 pm rain or shine. 520-463-2600.
13-15 SCOTTSDALE: Annual Phoenix International Sportsmen, Boat and RV Expo – WestWorld of Scottsdale. Discover your life outdoors at the Arizona Sportsmen, Boat and RV Expo. Buy gear. Book travel for destinations nearby or around the world. Learn where, when and how from the experts. Test drive four-wheelers, trucks, RVs, campers. Watch DockDogs. Enter to win a four-wheeler or personal watercraft. $12. Fri-Sat 10 am – 7 pm, Sun 10 am – 5 pm. 800-545-6100.
28-29 PHOENIX: Arizona Game & Fish Expo; admission and parking are free; featuring everything from wildlife exhibits and family fishing tanks to kayaking on “Lake Paddlemore” and trying out firearms in a safe, controlled environment.
4/3-5 LAKE HAVASU: Lake Havasu Boat Show; this is the largest consumer boat show in Arizona and Nevada with more the 150 exhibitors and vendors.
SRT BASS PHOENIX CHAPTER MEETINGS: Ongoing — Shake, Rattle & Troll BASS Club; volunteers needed; new members (boaters and non-boaters), families, children, friends are welcome; (623) 221-7655
7-8 PHOENIX: National Outdoor Women’s Weekend; this is a great opportunity to learn more about shooting sports, hunting, wild game cooking.
Ongoing — SAGUARO DIVING & SPORTS: Ongoing — Learn to Scuba Dive, Open Water Certification Dives, Private Class & Pool, Private Lake.
Ongoing — Learn To Curl lessons: learntocurl@coyotescurling.com
Through 3/8 SCOTTSDALE: Arizona Sun Country Circuit Quarter Horse Show – WestWorld. One of the top ten American Quarter Horse shows in the nation, this circuit is full of six shows including three youth shows, all events are offered in English & Western jumping, more than 36 states, Canada, Germany and England compete, competition for more than $200,000 in awards & prize money, vendors for shopping. Free. 8 am – 6 pm. 623-419-6318.
5-8 SCOTTSDALE: 67th Annual Parada Del Sol Rodeo – WestWorld. Rodeos, major dances, concerts, live country western music, and children’s activities. Friday & Saturday 1 & 7 pm, Sunday 2 pm. 480-990-3179.
12-15 QUEEN CREEK: Roots N’ Boots Queen Creek – Horseshoe Park & Equestrian Centre. . PRCA Pro-Rodeo showcasing the country’s top cowboys and cowgirls. Carnival, rodeo dance, petting zoo, pony rides, vendors, horse meet n’ greet and demonstrations. Free western-themed family activities Saturday morning, including Kids N’ Kritters, Ranch Dressing and Xtreme Teen Rodeo.
EMPTY PET FOOD BANK IN TEMPE: Ongoing — A unique food bank that serves cats and dogs needs your help. Lost Our Home Pet Foundation has been providing food and pet supplies to the pets of families in need since 2009, all through community donations. Donations can be made at the shelter location at 2323 S. Hardy Dr. Tempe, AZ 85282; Jodi Polanski, Jodi@lostourhome.org .
Editor’s Note: Please submit announcements for AZBW/WOT’s calendar of events —-“Downstream” — to editor@azbw.com. To guarantee placement, as room allows, items must be received by the tenth (10th) of the month prior to publication. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy, but we assume no responsibility for print errors or omissions. We also reserve the right to edit each item. Please include the name of the event, the date and time, the location, the organization, and contact information. You may also submit your event individually at Western Outdoor Times Classifieds.
Note –
There is no charge for a plain listing similar to the one below.
Fall Festival
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Fall Festival sponsored by the Douglas Merchants Association will take place on G Avenue, October 12, 2019. G Avenue will be closed from 9th Street to 12th Street from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
You may submit them to Editor@azbw.com.
Upgrades include a link to a web site or to an email address and pictures.
There is a charge for links and pictures of $50 each. Very rarely do we take down old pages so if you do have a link chances are it will be searched for a long time to come.
Another option is to do a story on your business or organization. This story could contain all of your contact information and would remain on our site indefinitely. The cost is $150.
Inquiries involving links and stories should be addressed to Jim@azbw.com.