August 2006

Fishing Talk Radio | New Product Reviews

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AZBW’s Corner For Kids

Introducing Our First Contributor — From Scotland

By Caroline McWilliams

Hi. My name is Caroline McWilliams.

I live in Glasgow, Scotland. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. You’d think only children would be spoiled, but we’re not. We are independent.

I am almost 10 years old. I like being that old — not so young that I have to be taken care of all the time, just old enough to do things myself.

I am going in to Primary six (fifth grade). I go to a Catholic school called St Aloysius’ College; it is in Glasgow. I live in a suburb called Clarkston.

My best friend is called Jennie Tsui (pronounced Chou) she is half-Chinese, half Scottish. My other friends are Marilisa Scognamiglio and Jenny Innes.

Marilisa is half-Italian, half-Scottish. Jenny and I like to put on plays together. We write them, and then we perform them to our parents.

I like reading, writing stories, sewing, cooking, putting on plays, typing, arty things, swimming, ballet, and playing the violin. I started to learn the violin three years ago.

I’ve preformed in three concerts and at an assembly. I am now in our Junior School orchestra.

My mum/mom is American, and I am half-American, half-Scottish. I think writing is fun, and I hope you enjoyed my story.

Editor’s Note: Caroline McWilliams, our publisher’s niece, is the first contributor to AZBW’s Corner For Kids. We welcome her and look forward to more of her articles — possibly two about a couple of the "best" watersports: swimming and water-balloon fights! (But, that’s another story.) We encourage kids to write to Caroline or to us here in Arizona with their own questions, comments, and stories — especially those about boating, fishing, RVing, and other watersports. E-mail You may use that address for either Caroline or me.