The Symphony Of Nature

Spring Time In The Desert

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Jerry_Tate_Spring_Time_In_The_Desert.jpgPhoto Credit: Stephanie Tate

The Symphony Of Nature - Spring Time In The Desert
By Jerry Tate
JT s Guide Service

In this segment (the first of several on nature), we will be addressing the fauna and flora of the desert.

In the spring it is a good time to watch for the animals of the desert, early morning and late afternoon. As I have learned over the years to observe the wildlife, being quiet and still, and letting all cares and concerns drift away in the early light, all of the sudden here comes a fox just a short distance away.

It is not seeing the animal but feeling the animals presence before it comes into view that makes me a part with nature and my surroundings; then, by closing my eyes, I listen to all of the sounds the birds chirping, the bees buzzing, the ground squirrels digging, and in some instances, I even hear a snake slither across the desert floor then I am aware that I am one with nature.

This does not put fear within, knowing that I am one with nature, but instead, I realize that being a part of/with nature is right where I want to be. The animals know we are here in their world; they sense that we are here not to harm them, but to become one in their presence with them.

To have javelina within 3 feet of you and not be fearful of you is awesome; yet, they still go on about their feeding, crunching, playful ways. The dominancy of some in the herds and the submissiveness of the others (yes, they have great order within their herds) are very obvious because of the dominants feeding on the more nutritional food and the subordinants coming in to feed later when the first are through.

Watching the herd as they groom each other and give protection to the young is very refreshing; they take very good care of their own. While all of this is going on with the animals, you can also almost sense the plants putting on the new buds of the year.

While my eyes are closed, I almost feel the Indians and the frontiersmen, knowing they had the same insight that I do at this moment, thinking that the desert has not much wildlife to offer, then being aware of the life that blooms each morning to be observed.

What must have been on their minds as the miners rode along the trails and searched for the gold that is hidden in these hills. Were they thinking with the anticipation of their next meal and where that next meal was coming from?

Did they see all the food that was here for the taking: meat, vegetable, water?

As we know today, we can survive in the desert. We have all had the opportunity to learn from nature and from our ancestors and those who traveled this same desert floor, discovering for centuries how and where to search for food.

When traveling and living in the desert, sometimes while trying to survive, we must eat things that we do not care to think about, like rodents, rattlesnakes, and insects. Our ancestors survived and so can we, by becoming one with nature.

When humankind entered into the desert, we felt it necessary to build dams and contain water for use during droughts. This created another scenario aquatic life (to be part of our thinking in the next article).

Editor s Note: Jerry Tate of JT s Guide Service may be reached at 623.547.7265.

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