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Pirate Press August 2009 Issue

Pirate Press is provided by Arizona Boating & Watersports ® News Magazine and
Western Outdoor Times ®

July 2009

Ahoy, Pirates 1957!

We are having excellent response to the first newsletter for our class of ’57. If you have not already done so, please let us know that you’d like to come aboard: editor@azbw.com. Thank you, Carol (Lemon) Allen.

First things first —

Jim has added “Pirate Press” to the menu on the left-hand side of our home page: www.azbw.com. Please visit the site by clicking on that button. For now, that will be where we store past and current issues of “Pirate Press.”

Also, check out the new banner head for our class – cool logo, eh?

Next, “missing” Pirates

The following e-mails did not go through; do you know where these classmates are?

Ann Collins Reed

Patrick Dennis Hart

Patrick Dennis Hart

Curt Akland

Bev Capen

Rosi Burrill Sotka

Judy Lyn Crosslin Sweetland

Sydna Reese Pankey

Sue Hammond Taylor

Ron Roth

Richard Schumacher

Sara Harris Benum

Yvonne Schoessler Roybal

Verena Friesz Clifton

Wendy Joy Kraft

Anyone else? We don’t have all e-mails. Please send those you know.

And, Some News (unedited) From Respondents (Thank You!)

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"Pirate Jim" and Carol Lemon Allen on Our Boat in San Diego

“me first” ? -- not really, but my married name puts me here for this issue. Thanks so much to all who have expressed an interest in “Pirate Press,” and I hope that interest will continue. I’m experimenting a bit with this issue, and since Jim and I are not retired (our paper Arizona Boating & Watersports, and I still teach college English online), I find I do not have the time to do the kind of editing I would like to do (i.e., format, style, etc.). It would help a bit if you could send articles in a Word document, 12-point, Times New Roman, but if not, just plain old e-mails are fine. If possible, send photos as attachments to your e-mail — a little easier to work with. My life in a nutshell: three grown daughters (a retired firefighter, a French professor in Michigan, and an anthropologist at Arizona State University) and one granddaughter. Since Yakima, I have lived in Calgary, Canada, San Diego (on our boat), and now in Scottsdale, Ariz. My brother Don Lemon still lives in Yakima. A couple of highlights: our paper was awarded Media of the Year 2008 by the Arizona Game & Fish Commission, and I have received Outstanding Faculty Award from my college. BUT, enough about me — read on about your other classmates!

Good Morning C & J -I had heard rumors via Mike or Ed that you were thinking of doing this - terrific and thanks. I hope that you get a good response from all of us who are and have been learning - often from our grand kids - the new technology post the telephone! Case in point here in Poulsbo - Margaret was given her first I-Pod for Mother's day but our computer was created pre-I Pod so there was no way to load the requisite software to make it function so..... or course a new computer was needed. Interesting that a new big black box was needed to make that very small white box turn on. Anyway, the new one has a screen nearly as large as our TV, very zippy and I'm sure it will do more things than let me read my e-mail and get road directions to new places or order books from Amazon.

Other news from Little Norway here on Liberty Bay - I continue as a docent at our Marine Science Center - just released our octopus back to the wild to go out and create the next generation of octopi while our divers search for a young replacement. Margaret and I both volunteer at our local little theatre - off stage not on! Travel this year is primarily regional road trips but have a weekend coming up in SF with a group of other retired Houghton people then a dash to Chicago for my neice's wedding on Halloween. An auspicious day or what! Her brother has already asked about costumes.

What sort of info do you hope to be gathering to share around the Pirate world? Columns on travel experiences, cultural/educational pursuits, hobbies and perhaps books read,being read or written?

I'll lead off for you, being an Arizonan, on an old book I've rediscovered by a long forgotten southwest writer - Oliver LaFarge - "Laughing Boy" a 1929Pulitzer winner - a book/author that I'm sure the very famous Arizona/New Mexico novelist - Tony Hillerman - who has been much honored for his Navaho characters and representations of authentic cultural life must have read. Another old book that has been given a new life with connections that we all will recognize is Beryl Markham's - West With the Night. Originally published in 1942 by my old HMCo then went o.p. and was re-published in 1983 by North Point Press in SF. Markham lived in Africa in the 1930s was a bush pilot contemporary in time and place of Isak Dinesen and her loverDenys Finch-Hatten, brought to the screen in "Out of Africa" with Meryl Streep and Robert Redfrord. While Markham was a part of that world she went on to become the first person to fly solo east to west across the Atlantic in Sept. of 1936. A KQED/PBS was done on Markaham life and may still be available. The book was given an unsolicited heartfelt review by Ernest Hemingway to his editer at Scribners, Max Perkins. A great read. Old books are a great break from reading too much so very sobering science and economics of where our grand childeren's world is heading. So, hope others will chime in with books they feel strongly about be they on paper or delivered via that interesting looking device the Kindle. Any one have one? Best to you both and I'll be eager to see future issues.
Peter Atwood

Good for you, Carol. Thanks for keeping us together. Ray 415-399-0688 home office

Nice idea, Carol.

Hi Carol, Neat idea! I have no idea at all what most of the people have done, are doing or want to do. Not to rock the boat but I'll offer a hunk of news.

Me?. I have the bad news and the good news. Bad: Had a birthday! Good: A gift was a surprise trip to Boston for the 4th to see the Boston Pops, fire works, and historical places. And I do mean "surprise"! My wife does that kind of thing. I opened a gift box with the trip information in it at about 8 PM one evening and was on a plane the next 11 AM. Rained every day except the 4th, 5th, 6th. That did not dampen any fun. Niece and kids drove down from Maine. Went sailing on a tall ship. Visited the iron sides "Constitution" (which is totally made of Oak). Fooled those Red-Coats on that one, huh? Good time had by all! Oh Yeah, I retired. Actually, I got fired! Company moved to Canada. That was way back in Jan. So then I needed to sooth the savage beast by skiing for 51 days straight.Carol, please change my Email address to Gordon.cfii@gmail.com.
Keep up the good work and thanks
Gordon Dean

Hi Carol, It’s clear that you have time on your hands! Well, count me in. Will try to write a few notes on what’s happening in Yakima – for example, the rebirth of our downtown is still going forward, despite the recession – under the assumption that most of the class don’t live here and might enjoy hearing about it. What do you think?
James B. Fitch
1802 W. Yakima Ave.
Yakima, WA 98902
Phone 1-509-453-8171

Hi Carol & Jim – That’s a great idea. I would like to sign up for your monthly Pirate Press. What info do you need?
Bill Gale

What a good idea to produce a newsletter for the 1957 grads of YSHS. Please sign me up. Over the years I have produced five newsletters. My current project—Friends-to-Friends—can be seen at www.friendsofscrl.org , the website of Friends of South County Regional Library in Estero, Florida. Do I understand correctly that the first issue of Pirate Press is yet to be distributed?I look forward to a list of names and email addresses of grads so I can contact some of them.Of course, sharing life experiences in the newsletter itself would be great.
David Hauenstein
Fort Myers, FL 33908

Thanks for the new Pirate newsletter. Please include Suzanne and I in your messages. Do you want a fee to offset costs?(Editor’s Note: No, but thank you.) We also have a winter place in Sahuarita, south of Tucson. Keep in touch. Suzanne Lusty Jackson — Suzanne and Mike Jackson celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary at their Sahuarita, Arizona residence last December. In May we bought another home in Spokane, all on one level, and a nice view of wetlands out the rear. It's a 36 home gated community on Spokane's south side. Our youngest grandchildren are both 4, and live in Spokane also.

Would welcome receiving but do not wish to add any news, other than this: did you know about the passing of Connie Keeling Newman about two weeks ago?

Yes, Add Jim King to the news list. This sounds like fun!!! We can visit a few friends this way.
Sincerely, Jim and Marie king

Carol.....Of course I want to be included in the Pirate Press. I don't know what I will have to offer...................but maybe something down the line.

Carol and Jim,
What a fun idea. Of course, sign me up. Thanks you for starting this, and yes I remember the manual Remingtons. Bob Denslow and I used to sit in the same row and had an ongoing challenge for speed scores! Adele Richey McMurry
Damascus, Oregon 97089


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From: cretegary@yahoo.com
To: editor YHS
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 4:47 PM
Subject: THE MCPHERSONS..News letter input..

I retired from the military in 1979. Retired from law enforcement in 2005. While stationed on the Greek island of Crete I met a Greek nurse in 1964 and married her Xmas day 1966 after I returned to Crete from Viet-Nam.Stationed on Crete from 1963 to 1965 and 1966 to 1970.Spent 16 years of my 23 overseas. We have 3 children. Two girls and a son. They were born in Greece,Germany and Japan..7 grand kids. We go back to Crete often to visit the wife's family. My kids all speak Greek and go back more then we do. Fully retired now. Babying a bad heart so have to take things a little slow. We still live in California and love it. Still have a brother (STU) in Yakima.

BTW for those who were in the Air Force they might check out the USAF site ..airforcetogetherweserved.com.. Great site and a very good way to find old friends.Found 6 out of 8 so far. My complete BIO is listed on it.Just type in my last name.

The attached photos are of Myself,wife and kids.

Be certain to include obits as they come along …. If you can get the date and place, I'll try to get a copy of the obit for the obit book. Thanks, Ed

Carol, Linda Bruce Caron forwarded this to me. She is one of the few we are still in touch with. Anyway, you can add us to your list: Myrene Haldeman Northey and Ron Northey, now married almost 52 years! We have lived here at the same house in Kennewick now for 32 years! Just had our first great grandchild with another due soon. Lost my Mother last year and do so miss her. I had moved my parents down here to Kennewick several years ago so got to spend lots of time with them. Dad died soon after the move but Mom made it to 90; however, I thougth she would live forever. Ron and I are both retired and keep busy with usual: volunteering, Church, clubs and activities. Just returned from a "Rockhound Pow Wow" in Madras, Or. Went to a big rock and mineral show and also on four field trips. Came home with couple hundred pounds of rock and wood. Polishing some now. Also recently took a trip to the Oregon Gardens and the Oregon coast. Have several more trips coming up. We belong to a Senior travel group here and also have a trailer, which we love. We also enjoy the outdoors and fly fishing. I get all suited up for fishing but do not have much luck. Plan to head up to the Yakima Canyon River soon. We also enjoy taking Elderhostels and did one out of Tuscon, AZ (including rock and mineral show) and Nogales in April. Take care and enjoy!

Ron just turned 70 yesterday! Noelle ordered the cake, and when she opened the box, we all cracked up. It said, "Happy Birthday Robert." I told her to go back today and ask for a second cake - free. Good for a lots of laughs.

It's pie cherry season, and I made my first yesterday. Haven't lost the touch, fortunately. Then picked apricots at a friend's orchard. Now I need to do something with them. I like them in breakfast smoothies. And, apricot jam. I thought of you and your boat from your "San Diego days" when I saw all of the boats anchoring up at Pender Island. The Americans (mostly Seattle) stop there b/c it's the first Canadian customs dock inside the Canadian waters, I think. Everything from small to l00 feet. I'll get the specifics about docking fees, etc. And, something about chartering smaller boats. I would swear that the biggest ones were chartered. I told Ron that there can't be THAT many Microsoft billionaires from Seattle zipping around in 100 foot yachts. I like the trawlers. They look the most seaworthy. Oh, we celebrated Canada Day on July l while in Vancouver. A beautiful day and lots of activities to watch. Glad that we were there. I just felt/feel that we're very lucky to have such great neighbors to the north of us, although I swear that the Canadian newspapers spend a lot of time making references to their southern neighbors, usually in some comparative reference. Don't see that down here, although the comparision to the Canadian health plan is getting to be a big topic. I was reallly quite surprised and assume that some newspaper writer had a tongue in the cheek when reference was made to the possibility of Canada being annexed to the U.S. I can't imagine anyone even making such a statement-jokingly or otherwise - down here.

Hi Carol, Great idea! Please keep my name on the E-mail list. I will try to send some pictures. Looking forward to the next issue.
Thanks,John K. Ponath

Hi Carol, Thanks for taking this on. I will look forward to future issues.
Regards, Mel Suelzle

Sign me up! Carol, You could feature recent photos of interesting things we do. Or links to classmates web pages, myspace, or facebook. Several of us are on facebook. Obituaries, heaven forbid. Did you know a classmate, Ted Clemmons died last week?
J. Andy Thompson
Yakima, WA


Sign me up for it. I would enjoy reading about everyon.
Frank Toles

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This is how I looked last Friday night.(See photo. Poor Sue!) The Tuesday before we were taking care of our two year old granddaughter and she was taking a nap. I decided to take a nap too. We have a dresser at the foot of our bed and keep a phone there. It rang half way into the nap and I jumped to grab the phone so Olivia wouldn't wake up.

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The blanket I had on came with me, my feet tangled and I landed full force on the corner of the dresser. I am really blessed because no bones were broken, nothing touched my eye and my teeth are still all intact. Livie was quite the trooper going to the doctor with us and then Valley Imaging for a scan. She was really gentle with me all the next day. Now it will just take some time to heal.


Sadly, we shall also include a section of remembering; please send information as you become aware of it.

Gary Christopherson
Ted Clemmens: http://www.yakimaherald.com/obits/2009/06/30/theodore-a-clemmens
Neil Durrett
Rosemary Hartinger
Connie Keeling Newman: June 2009

Fair winds,
Carol Lemon Allen
Arizona Boating & Watersports News Magazine
Rock The Boat
(480) 947-6219

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