Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 8:31 PM
Subject: Upcoming Events - Coyotes Curlng Club
Coyotes Curling Club
Beat the Olympic rush!
The Coyotes Curling Club is pleased to announce they are now accepting registrations for a Learn To Curl class scheduled for August 30th. Come spend a few hours out of the heat and learn te great Olympic game of curling. Designed for the beginner or seasoned curler, either way your Coyotes Curling Club has curling for all levels!
In addition, the Club is also pleased to announce their upcoming Fall League which commences September 12th. Come out and learn the game, then take to the ice for another twelve weeks and hone in all that you have been taught. A great game for all ages, make this a sport your whole family can enjoy together.
For more information and registration forms, please visit http://www.coyotescurling.com/, or email Darryl Horsman at theskip@coyotescurling.com.
Good Curling!
Dinghy Digest ®