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January 2009

Fishing Talk Radio | New Product Reviews

This Weeks News April 12, 2009

AWARDED FREE Boat Rental At Bartlett Lake Marina
To find out if you won go to www.azbw.com/Dinghy_Digest_Weekly_Award.php

FREE Aqua Lodge Night At Bartlett Lake

Win a free night in the Aqua Lodge on Bartlett Lake. Just answer this question.
How long may non-resident owned watercraft currently registered in another state be operated on the waters of Arizona?

Questions and answers come from Arizona Boating Laws and Regulations At A Glance compiled by The Arizona Game and Fish Department

Be the FIRST to e-mail jim@azbw.com with the answer and you will win one free night in a Bartlett Lake Aqua Lodge. Lodging based on availability.

For more information about The Bartlett Lake Boat Club and Bartlett Lake Marina go to www.azbw.com/Bartlett_Lake_Boat_Club.php

E-mail jim@azbw.com if you would like to sponsor the Dinghy Digest weekly contest. Sponsors receive great continous coverage throughout the year by sponsoring just one Dinghy Digest contest. And don't forget there is one very happy winner coming to visit your business.

Winners may put a link to their business or favorite charity on their winners announcement on the Arizona Boating & Watersports web site. Announcements remain on the web site throughout the year.

Canyon Lake Arizona

Canyon Lake.jpg Canyon Lake, one of the Salt River Resevoirs, is located just 16 miles from Apache Junction on state route 88. Canyon Lake has just completed 26 and 28 foot covered slips. Check out their web site and mention AZBW to get an even better price on these new slips. Don't forget the fishing at Canyon Lake.
Channel Catfish
Largemouth Bass
Rainbow Trout
Yellow Bass
Canyon Lake also offers swimming, boat ramps, the Acacia Picnic Site, Palo Verde Recreation Site, and Boulder Creek Recreation Site

Canyon Lake Marina: Click Here

Good News

Do you have a favorite issue of AZBW? Maybe it was an issue that had a story about you or your business or one of your favorite boating, fishing, hunting or watersports locations or activities.

If so you can now order a special glossy magazine issue. Go to www.magcloud.com/browse/Magazine/13255 and check it out. Just tell us what issue you would like to have and we will produce it for you to order and download.

With this in mind I thought it would be fun to share good news. If you have good news to share send it to jim@azbw.com. We will print as many as we can. Feel free to include your business contact information and we will put a link to your web site or e-mail address.

New Products

Raritan introduces the Sea/Fresh Marine Elegance

Conserving fresh water is important onboard any boat, but seawater and the small organisms that come with it can cause heads to stink. To see the rest of this story and check out more new products go to www.azbw.com/New_Products.php.

Downstream &mdash Shows & Events List

Rotary River Rally &mdash The Great Cardboard Boat Regatta&mdash April 17 &mdash 18
Tempe, AZ - Cardboard boats are once again coming to Tempe Town Lake… full-sized boats made of nothing but corrugated cardboard, glue and paint; and crewed by up to 8 kids and/or adults paddling furiously around a 200 yard race course. Some sink. Some swim. Everyone has a great time.
For More Information Go To www.rotaryriverrally.com/index.html.

Parker Area Tourism
SCSC Spring Powerboat Classic Blue Water Resort and Casino &mdash April 18 and 19
13th Annual Parker Open Golf Tournament Emerald Canyon Golf Course
Blue Water Resort and Casino &mdash April 25 through 27
Parker Area Tourism, Parker, AZ 928.669.6511 www.parkerareatourism.com.

Day At The Docks San Diego &mdash April 19, 2009
For More Information Go To www.azbw.com/Day_At_The_Docks_San_Diego_2009.php

Arizona Yacht Club Updates
Special Showing of Roy Disney Sailing Film. Robbie Haines &mdash April 21st
For the complete stories please go to www.azbw.com/Arizona_Yacht_Club_Updates.php

2009 Desert Storm Performance Boating, Lake Havsau City, AZ &mdash April 23 through 26
This year will feature a Street Party Boat Show Thursday night consisting of over 100 wild and fast performance boats from 22 to 51 feet. Vendors and business are welcome to come and display their wares for a small fee.
For the complete story go to

Firebird International Raceway &mdash April 25th & 26th
Monster Truck Nationals and Lakefest
Family Fun, Awesome Power and Blazing Speed Converge at Upcoming 11th Annual NAPA Auto Parts Monster Truck Nationals and Lakefest
For the complete story please go to

Monterey Bass Company Tournaments
Check out their schedule at azbasszone.com/mbc2006/mbchome.php

Tri State Boating Safety Fair - Lake Havasu

Big Boys & Their Toys &mdash June 19, 20 & 21, 2009

San Carlos Yacht Club Labor Day Fishing Tournament

Scuba Adventure Day &mdash May 2, 2009 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. &mdash Lake Pleasant Regional Park 602.372.7460, ext. 200 or visit www.maricopa.gov/lake_pleasant
Divers and non-divers are invited to come and check out the latest equipment, gear and information from local dive shops at one of the most popular dive locations in Valley. Drawings for exotic diving trips and prizes. PADI certified divers are encouraged to join the Underwater Treasure Hunt. Event is free with paid park admission.

Hubbs Seaworld White Seabass Tournament &mdash May 23 24, 2009 &mdash San Diego

Press Release, Contact: Jack Innis 619.276.1299

A white seabass fishing tournament will be held Saturday May 23 to benefit Hubbs SeaWorld Research Institute (HSWRI).

The event is designed to kick off the angling season with a friendly tournament that features a broad array of trophy categories including biggest white seabass, biggest yellowtail, biggest halibut, most releases, and special prizes for any white seabass captured alive and placed into HSWRI’s brood stock program.

For the story go to www.azbw.com/Hubbs_SeaWorld_Research_Institute.php

Arizona Safe Boating Celebration — May 22, 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. — Lake Pleasant Regional Park 602.372.7460, ext. 200 or visit www.maricopa.gov/lake_pleasant.

Make sure your family is safe on your watercraft this season. Receive a discount on your next park entry with your FREE vessel safety check. No citations will be issued during inspections. You may receive many of the items you need to for compliance absolutely free.

You can also receive information about Arizona boating laws, find out how to protect your boat and the environment from Quagga mussels, learn about the hidden dangers of Carbon Monoxide and more at the Arizona Safe Boating Celebration.

Dana Point Harbor Boat Show Dana Harbor, CA &mdash May 28 through the 31st. For more information call 323.655.2010 or visit www.danaboatshow.com.

Monterey Bass Company
* Pro/Am and Couples - April 11, 2009 @ Lake Pleasant - Marina South Ramp
* Super Teams - April 25, 2009 @ Roosevelt Lake - Cholla Ramp
For More Information www.montereybass.com

Protect-A-Park — It’s time to get involved and give your land a hand — Lake Pleasant Regional Park 602.372.7460, ext. 200 or visit www.maricopa.gov/lake_pleasant. Boaters, anglers, and divers needed to adopt shoreline areas and coves for regular litter removal in 2009.

Check out Arizona Boating & Watersports Downstream section for a more complete list of shows and events.

Special Boat Sale

This beautiful 2009 Skeeter ZX190 is only $22,495 now at Open Throttle Marine.
Your going to hate yourself if you miss this great bargain.


Canyon Lake Arizona

Canyon Lake.jpg Canyon Lake, one of the Salt River Resevoirs, is located just 16 miles from Apache Junction on state route 88. Canyon Lake has just completed 26 and 28 foot covered slips.

Check out their web site and mention AZBW to get an even better price on these new slips.

Don't forget the fishing at Canyon Lake.
Channel Catfish
Largemouth Bass
Rainbow Trout
Yellow Bass

Canyon Lake also offers swimming, boat ramps, the Acacia Picnic Site, Palo Verde Recreation Site, and Boulder Creek Recreation Site

Canyon Lake Marina: Click Here

Sunsail Antigua
By Josephine Tucci
What do most sailors do on their vacations? Sail, of course! But what if your holiday companion can't or won't sail? Or you want to take small children? Or you simply fancy a change from your usual sailing vacation?

A Sunsail beach resort could be the answer. This year, four of us decided to go on holiday together, but had a typical sailors' dilemma. Three of us wanted to do nothing but race dinghies for the whole two weeks, but the fourth wanted to do anything but. We convinced our friends that Sunsail Club Colonna in Antigua was the ideal place for a winter holiday. It's a dinghy sailor's paradise as the island lies in the tradewind belt, guaranteeing decent winds from dawn till sundown. For beginners and improvers there are free group lessons and paid-for individual tuition. For non - sailors there's mountain biking, tennis, swimming pool, a gym and spa, and two sandy beaches, and if you have children they’ll be well looked after in the popular kids’ clubs. For the complete story go to www.azbw.com/Sunsail_Club_Antigua.php or Visit Sunsail at www.sunsail.com/clubs/offers?show=all

North American Championships (BNAC) Coming to Mission Bay
Look Out, San Diego! The Buccs Are Coming! The Buccs Are Coming!
By Emory Heisler &mdash Arizona Yacht Club

ARRRRRR! Well, they aren't the British, that's for sure!
June 21-26, the Buccaneer 18 Fleet of " pirates" and their North American Championships (BNAC) will be coming to Mission Bay and will be hosted by Mission Bay Yacht Club.

MBYC, San Diego, and the "Left Coast" will be hosting BNAC for the first time in Buccaneer 18 Class' 40–year history. If you haven't seen a Bucc 18 in San Diego, it's not too much of a surprise. The Buccaneer 18 has been mostly a "Right Half" of the country boat as a result of its Chrysler "roots." For the complete story go to www.azbw.com/Buccaneer_18_Fleet.php

Corner For Kids

She Remembers A Gentle Sea And The River Seine
By Caroline McWilliams
Glasgow, Scotland

Last April I went to France and Belgium with my school. There was lots of water involved.

We drove in a coach to Hull. We got on a ferry there. It was quite nice. The rooms were small but clean. It was very windy and rainy that day, basically all over the country.

For lunch we had stopped at a school called Stonyhurst, which is just about the biggest anywhere, and it was raining there too.

For the complete story go to www.azbw.com/The_River_Seine.php


Stren Series Western Division To Host Event On Lake Roosevelt, AZ
by Chad Gay

The $6.5 million Stren Series is headed to Lake Roosevelt April 16-18 for a $260,750 bass tournament. As many as 400 pros and co-anglers will be competing in the second Western Division tournament of the season for top awards of $65,000 and $30,000, respectively. For the complete story go to www.fishingworld.com/News/Read.php?ArtID=000025050

Radio Personality John Cassidy Named MC for Port of San Diego’s Annual Day at the Docks®

Press Release, April 6, 2009 - Contact Gary Graham 760.522.3710, ggraham@sportfishing.org

Catherine Miller, Event Director, announced today that John “Hopalong” Cassidy long time San Diego resident will be handling the Master of Ceremonies duties on the main stage for the 30th Anniversary celebration. See the full story at www.azbw.com/Day_At_The_Docks_MC_John_Cassidy.php


Hunters, Anglers Start Now
By Margie Anderson

Hunters, Anglers Start Now
Shaping Up For The Great Outdoors
There’s No Time Like The Present
By Margie Anderson

Does trudging up the ramp to fetch your truck and trailer leave you huffing and puffing? What about throwing a jerkbait all day long – can your arm take it?

For the complete story go to www.azbw.com/shaping-great-outdoors/

The Symphony Of Nature - Spring Time In The Desert
By Jerry Tate
JT’s Guide Service

In this segment (the first of several on nature), we will be addressing the fauna and flora of the desert.

In the spring it is a good time to watch for the animals of the desert, early morning and late afternoon. As I have learned over the years to observe the wildlife, being quiet and still, and letting all cares and concerns drift away in the early light, all of the sudden here comes a fox just a short distance away.

For the complete story go to www.azbw.com/Spring_Time_In_The_Desert.php

Rock The Boat & Superstition Search & Rescue Update

Rocky The Boat looks great sitting in the middle of the desert at the AZGFD 2009 Expo.

AZBW is a monthly publication. Our primary distribution is in Arizona and Southern California with some distribution in several other states and countries. We also attend numerous shows and events in Arizona and Southern California.

AZBW’s Affordable Advertising


AZBW Awarded Media of the Year

The Arizona Game and Fish Commission awarded Arizona Boating & Watersports news magazine the 2008 Media of the Year award. www.azgfd.gov/artman/publish/article_947.shtml

Carol Allen / Editor
Jim Allen / Publisher
Arizona Boating & Watersports News Magazine & Dinghy Digest

It is our pleasure from time to time to present to our readers information about new products; however, the information published in Arizona Boating & Watersports news magazine is for reader interest only and does not consitute endorsement by AZBW. Further, we suggest that you check first with local marine, fishing, and RV dealers and suppliers to see if they have the items mentioned in our articles. Also, please remember that the prices given are those that were in effect at press time and may have changed.

Arizona Boating & Watersports News Magazine AZBW www.azbw.com is a monthly print publication. It is distributed throughout Arizona and Southern California as well as several other states and countries.

You may reach Arizona Boating and Watersports at:
480/947-6219 or 619/523-3091

If you would like to comment on any stories in AZBW, or tell us your story idea please contact editor@azbw.com

If you would like advertising information on either the web site or the print version please contact advertising@azbw.com

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